Thursday, January 26, 2006

Saved by the Jehovah's Witness

Last night as I was going to Dong dae mun market. I lost my subway ticket. It is 9000 won, 90 cents roughly. Realizing that I am without a ticket, i figure I will just follow somebody out, get real close in the turnstile. I have seen Koreans do this, so i was just planning on dealing with the problem that way or hop the stile. Unfortunately, they have guards at this exit to Dongdaemun. I tell the guard what is wrong. Meaning, I am talking to a wall, because she has no clue what I am saying. she points me down another passageway. She thought I wanted a transfer. I am screwed.

Then comes a woman, "Can I share something with you?"
In her hand was a Watchtower. I know the drill.

"Yes, you can, but I need some help. I lost my ticket and I need to get out of here. Can you help me. I will gladly listen to whatever you want to tell me, but I need help first."


She walk over to the guard and the guard says, "Nay" meaning yes. She pushes a button and lets me through. I could have bolted right there, but I honored my side of the bargain took the Watchtower and then told her. "Your effort to help me was a greater witness to your faith than these words." I probably should have not given her that coaching, but it is the truth.

So, for once in my life having a JW intrude into my daily life saved me. Whole incident makes me a little more appreciative of those folks. Funny thing, the cover article is on angels. I wanted to tell her that I thought God used her as an angel, but she may have been repulsed by such a notion. I know she was heaven sent


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