Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A vision of heaven

Chapter 4
As a pastor, somebody will ask "what is heaven like?" They are interested in the management of heaven. Is the payoff what we have been told. I am on the sales side of the equation, so I don't know who gets in and I don't know the quality of the robes or what is for dinner.

So, I turn folks to this vision of heaven. I mean John is taken up to heaven in this vision and he gives us a first hand account. The funny thing is that most folks are not satisfied with this account. I don't think the curious questions are answered like "Are there bathrooms in heaven?"

However, John has this vision and it is important. It gives a sense of the awe and majesty. To be honest, I think John falls short of the description. I sense in reading this story that it is like an excited 6 year old running around and telling you about the circus. "The elephants, the clowns, then there was this guy who was shot out of cannon and this family swung from the roof on a swing, but it was not a swing....." It is like John has ADD so we don't get the full picture only a snapshot from a writer who lacks the vocabulary to talk fully and extensively about heaven. John shows us that he is human.

4:1 "After this I looked and there in heaven a door stood open"
I love this image, because it is a reminder that God has the last word. I may try to close the door between God and I, but God keeps the door open. I may turn away from the door, but the door is open. You may try to shut the door, but God keeps the door open for you. Powerful image for a society who keeps the door closed. In fact, many of us use the backdoor through the garage and shut the door constantly to keep the world. The kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven, the door is open. God's kingdom stands out in our world of closed doors.

vs. 6 "in front of the throne there is something like a sea of glass, like crystal."
The sea was a terrifying place for the ancient world. The Jews hated the sea and that is why the story of Moses leading folks through the Red Sea is powerful. God defeated Pharaoh and his gods and then God controlled the sea. Powerful message to folks who are aquaphobic. The image of a smooth sea is that statement that God rules all of creation. This past year with Tsunamis and hurricanes...that image of God in control of the ocean is a little more accessible.

vs. 6b-11
The four living creatures. The four living creatures are used in the tradition to represent the gospels. John did not have this in mind, but some scribe in a monastery put these two together. That is the tradition and it does not harm the faith, so let's keep it.

Then there are 24 elders and 4 living creatures casting crowns....that is where the Contemporary Christian band got the name.

This is just a full image and I have put an image by William blake that you can find at the Tate in Britain.


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