1.) Michael Slaughter stated a few years ago that the church was going to change in the next millenium. He stated that the church would go big and it would go small. The medium sized church was going to be a dinosaur, not large enough to provide high quality anonymous group but too much structure to go small. Slaughter was talking about a Barbell. A large small contingent, small medium contingent and a large group of large churches. It can't happen...see today. We are seeing that in the banking industry were Bank of America is going to be the largest bank in the US and the medium regional sized banks will go under. The local banks will stick around. John Lewis said that is what is happening...he is CEO of Bank of American and today he took over the largest Investment bank on wall Street, Merrill Lynch.
Do you see it?
2.) Greed. Greed is what brought us here. Back in 2002 in the economic malaise of post 9-11. New York City was hopping. I could not figure out why, because NYC is at the core of the economic downturn. People were making huge amounts of money and real estate in NYC boomed. Made no sense, Doug Kass shares his thoughts. That greed moved from Wall Street to Main Street. We bought homes, more than we needed. We bought cars. We extended ourselves. You can be a bear and bull, but don't be a pig. Greed is not good. Greed kills us spiritually.
Perhaps, as a Christian we need to remember that second one. I know parishoners who buy cars and extend themselves too much. I get frustrated, but I rarely say a word about it personally to them. Maybe, I need to be a better shepherd and keep the sheep from the wolves.
What do you think?
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