Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The second part of the prayer

There is a transition in that prayer.

To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood.

I love this image of salvation. It begins not with the judgment of God, but it begins with the love of God. God is not damning us, but is freeing us. For John who was incarcerated by the local authorities, hated and despised. He shows the King of Kings to be one who loves his people not fears them. Instead of enslaving people, he frees them.

Personally, I think we all walk through a lot of hell on earth. There are folks who struggle with addictions. People who are abused. Some of us are just wired in such a way that we get in our own way. So, life becomes hell. To suffer on earth and to suffer in heaven seems a little harsh. So, God's coming into earth is done out of love. As we read the rest of Revelation remember it begins with that line of prayer. "To him who loves us and frees us from our sins by his blood."

made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God

Our call as Christians is not just individual. It is to be a Kingdom. Kingdoms are made up of people. We are called to be a Kingdom. Not full of soldiers, police, politicians, or slaves. No priests. We are priests.

We are connected fully with God. You know at times, I feel a tremendous disconnect with God. There is a hole in my heart and it is consuming. On this side of life, heaven, the second coming, I am disconnected from God. I am a servant, but not a priest. Not one who stands before the holy of holies, but one who works in the fields. I do not tend the coals of the sacred fire, but work in the chaff. There will be a day when that separation will be reversed, and I with you will stand before God.

With that anticipation so wet upon his lips, John says.

"Look he is coming"

So, I wait and I pray a simple prayer "Come Lord Jesus."


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