Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mel Hall, when sports heroes fail us

In 1981 the Midland Cubs had Mel Hall, Joe Carter, and Craig Lefferts on the roster. The flashiest and best player on that team was not Joe Carter but Mel Hall. Mel was something special. Since I was a young kid, I followed Mel and chuckled at his excess. Two cougars, his hot dogging around the field, and his nice jheri curl.
Then I heard the news about Mel and his molesting a 12 year old girl on a basketball team. I knew it was most likely true and it saddened me. Yesterday, Mel went to jail for 45 years and I was reminded that sports athletes are fallible folk. They are more fallible than most of us. Their lives are so excessive that many don't have the ability to live it.
Mel was the product of his own addictions. He could have been great, but wound up average. He did not apply himself to the game, but applied himself to a false image. The pressures finally got Mel and he made choices that were abusive and less than human. I am saddened, because I want my heroes to be as good as I imagine them be. However, I must remember that the spectacle of sports and celebrity make them even more susceptible of failure. Charles Barkley was right in declaring, "I am not your role model." He knew the deep dark secrets that lie underneath the false veneer of athletes and he was honest enough to tell the truth.


Anonymous said...

Hello Young Follow,
Im an X baseball
Player and Yes they got Mel Hall 45 years Jail Time. But you know what, if Did Not Moleste any one Those girls are trouble makers and Liars as atheletes we get that all the time , I don't want to go into details but Since he has a Reputation as a Big Mouth outspoken personality people say Of course he did it! Fans and people Say Yes that is true by judging him from his Character It's Ashame, but I understand I played with him for years and his Real friends and Fans and Family know that he would Never hurt or Rape a Woman I promise you that! All these Roachs are crawling over 10 years later Look what happened to Mike Tyson Oh he has a bad reputation and Remember when the Girl went to his room at 4:00 AM What do you think she wanted breakfast? What is a girl doing at that time out She got him in JAIL yes she did said that he RAPED Her this happens all the time ..MEL got a Bad Deal and the jury's Did not care about the Truth they just wanted to get over it within 15 minutes they found him Gulity you know why...Man of Color ,They thought of OJ, Athelete,Outspoken personality..."GUILTY" Yeap that is Texas for you RedNecks very perjudice...I heard through the other people they said that he was a Nice Guy and respectful even Al Pacino's daughter he coached and was disgusted about what happened she was going to Testifie for him but was out of town. The Judge did Not give a continuance for Mr Hall so half his witness were on plane but the Judge said No we are proceeding right away.. ..It sickens me to see All this B---S--T and it's scary to have your life in Jurys hands...I'll be praying for his Family!!!And Mel Hall .....May these girls sweat at Night for putting him in this situation....And the Gold Digger from 20 Years ago that Never let go of Him Kept his pictures and Engagement ring but got Abuse Liar!!!!!!! So please Fans don't listen to the story's it has 2 sides and it's unfortunatly to hear NEGATIVE sells you agree? There was No one else through out the Years that said I got Abused Just the 2 Girls from the Same Team..... Your Friend.

Anonymous said...

Hello Anonymous,
You are right Mr Hall got intrapped in this he did not moleste The girl Ill tell you why she did it I was in the same team 1998 she was upset that her Mom was dating Mr Mel Hall and got jealous that her mom fell in love with him nd left the Father she has been angry with the mom for years then she had the guts to go to court 10 years later and lied under oath and got her friend to sy oh yes he tryed to touch me She is a mean person...He got Falsy accused the girl changed her story so many times he was a great coach and good funny person he would not hurt anyone ..He will be missed !and thank you for putting us in Excellent Universitys....May God be with You!

sklatte2 said...

Mel Hall is a hero. Anyone recall Kobe Bryant? Mike Tyson for sure! Black athlete in the chance down there...jury wanted to get home to dinner as far as I'm concerned. Judge ???? anyone over this case? shenangins I say....someone's life thrown away that did nothing but good. Makes me sick

Anonymous said...

Sad to hear about Mel Hall what a great funny guy!!!! I liked him Lots :) I hope it gets appealed and WINS!!!!