Monday, November 17, 2008


Thursday, I got a call from a consultant company asking me if I wanted to be coached.  This is a high profile company that is marketed through its founder who is an author and its storefront businesses.  I said, "Yes." With a bit of curiousity and just wanted to see if being coached through some issues and hangups I have with my own ability to implement things.

I had a 90 minute interview with a gentleman who was basically a salesman.  He told me early on that I needed to be a decision maker and needed to make a choice that day as to whether or not I would commit to this program of coaching. At that point, I was really wary, because I hate that type of sales gimmick.  Also, that means this dude was more interested in saling me something rather than getting me to the goals I wanted.

The cost of the coaching was $5000.00.  I declined.  He pushed the sale and said my file was going to be closed.  I said, "I think you will most likely take my money if I change my mind."  This kind guy was upset. 

I thought to myself, what a terrible sales pitch.  Say the right words and notch up the pressure then when a person is not willing to shell out $5000.00 be adverserial.  That might work in an economy that is booming and when your services are in high demand, but in a market where money is tight, a softer way is the way to go.

I put a card in my planner and it says, $5000.00.  I will move it everyday and it is a reminder that I can change my behaviors if motivated.  $5000.00 is pretty good motivation.

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